
Chairman's Progress Report - July

Charitable Status
We have now been accepted as a registered charity which means that any donations are eligible for tax deduction. This applies to all identifiable donations made to date. Please contact us if you still require a receipt for your donation.

First Project – 80 Waiheke Rd
The Resource Consent process is still ongoing. Council is being very particular about wastewater management and driveway access over the road reserve. We believe we have now resolved all issues and consent should be forthcoming without further changes.
Our request for a further $450,000 in building finance is still proving problematical with the banks. We now have a broker working on our behalf and he is confident of success with some of the smaller banks.
Should that not be successful we will continue to raise the necessary funds from local investors and, once the development is completed and operational as a going concern, seek long-term mortgage finance from the banks. That will free up the investors’ funding secured to date to be applied for future projects.
We have obtained a Lifemark assessment of the proposed building design and are now incorporating the very helpful suggestions to improve access and usability for elderly and disabled residents and guests.

Next Projects
We have decided to hold off on undertaking further property projects until the first project is further advanced.
We are still seeking a suitable operating base where we can build more sleepouts to order. As well as providing ongoing revenue for the Trust it is hoped they will be used to house permanent residents thus providing existing property owners with some extra income, companionship and home help.
We are also planning our next fundraising events for the springtime and would welcome any suggestions.
Thank you all again for your support of the Trust to date. We will keep you regularly updated on progress in addressing our island’s serious lack of affordable rental housing for permanent residents.

Paul Carew

Paul Carew - Chairman.jpg


Further to my last report in November the Trust has now attracted a total of $100,000 in donations and also secured a further $470,000 in term loans from local individuals. Once we secure the full funding for the building works at 80 Waiheke Rd we have a further $25,000 donation promised.

First Project – 80 Waiheke Rd
After initial delays around access to our and neighbouring properties the Resource Consent process is now well advanced. We are looking forward to gaining Council approval this month.
Our request for a further $415,000 in building finance is currently under bank consideration. Should that not be successful we will continue to raise the necessary funds from local investors.

Next Projects
We have a conditional agreement to purchase 35 Erua Rd which comprises a 2 bedroom house on a very large section capable of taking 3 tiny houses. If we get bank funding to complete the purchase this represents immediate cash-flow and a simple building project we can undertake over the winter.

We are still seeking an operating base where we can build more sleepouts to order. As well as
providing ongoing revenue for the Trust it is hoped they will be used to house permanent residents thus providing existing property owners with some extra income, companionship and home help.

We are also planning our next fundraising events and would welcome any suggestions.

Thank you all again for your support of the Trust to date. We will keep you regularly updated on progress in addressing our island’s serious lack of affordable rental housing for permanent residents.

Paul Carew

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